Pasteurized Milk – | Kabilai Farm Organic Fresh Cow Milk In Chennai | Native Desi Cow Milk | A2 Cow Milk Wed, 16 Mar 2022 04:58:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pasteurized Milk – | Kabilai Farm 32 32 214675837 Raw Milk Versus Pasteurized Milk, Which One Should You Pick Mon, 14 Mar 2022 14:36:54 +0000

Dairy milk is considered to be an integral part of the daily diet. Giving a glass of milk to the children is considered to be the age-old custom. Milk plays a crucial role in promoting the overall development of children. As you opt for milk regularly, it assures stronger teeth and healthier bones. Milk is regarded as one of the enriched calcium sources.

As your body comprises calcium in adequate levels, it helps eliminate bone-related diseases, such as bone injuries, osteoporosis, to name a few. The combination of calcium and vitamin D offers benefits to the teeth and bones.

In addition to this, it offers protection against diabetes, cancer, and hypertension. In addition to this, regular consumption of milk is interlinked with muscle strength, muscle repair, and muscle growth. Also, it is loaded with potassium and choline. As you read this article, you can understand the difference between pasteurized milk and raw milk:

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Structure Difference: Raw Milk Vs Pasteurized Milk

Raw milk is known to be non-homogenized, unpasteurized and fresh milk which is derived from grass-fed and healthy cows. This kind of milk comes from grass-fed and healthy cows. According to researches, pasteurization leads to the destruction of some of the crucial milk qualities, like enzymes, good bacteria, vitamins, to name a few.

You can find ultra-pasteurized milk in the grocery store. As it gets heated to about 280 degrees F for some time, it will end up in killing the nutrients, minerals, and vitamins as needed by the body. Once the milk is homogenized, the molecules are squeezed for the removal of the cream layer. As raw milk is known to be non-homogenized, a cream layer is present, which is known to rise to the top.

Taste Differences

Pasteurization brings a change in taste and quality. Raw milk boasts of creamy, fresh and supreme flavor. Once your little one starts drinking the raw milk, they might say no to pasteurized milk. Raw milk is fresh. It includes a better taste.

fresh raw cow milk chennai

Differences in the benefits

At present, many people report being lactose intolerant and dairy allergies. It is because of pasteurization since the heat destroys most of the nutrients. Due to this, milk is considered to be a beneficial choice. Calcium, iron, vitamins are reduced during the process of pasteurization. The digestive enzymes, on the other hand, are destroyed completely here. Real milk is regarded as the real superfood, which offers 100 per cent calcium, iron, vitamin, and different crucial nutrients essential for the body. Raw milk is enriched with natural vitamins.

Owing to this, it becomes easy to digest the raw milk. It offers assistance in removing skin conditions and allergies. Besides this, it offers a boost to the immune system. According to the studies, drinking raw milk offers better resistance to improved growth. Besides this, it plays an integral role in the alleviation of diseases. Other than this, it helps in promoting overall health.

Raw milk, available from the clean diaries, are known to be a healthier choice than the pasteurized milk. Also, organic raw milk is the complete food enriched with vitamins, good fat, protein, and minerals. Besides this, raw milk comprises the minerals’ selection, which ranges from phosphorus and calcium to different trace elements. After re-supplying, the pasteurization might destroy them. On the other hand, raw milk is loaded with calcium, which is beneficial for the bones and teeth. Besides this, it is enriched with enzymes, which come with a wide assortment of health benefits. Raw milk comprises beneficial bacteria, which offers assistance during digestion. In addition to this, it offers protection against different disease-carrying organisms.

The benefits of raw milk are known to be numerous. It offers assistance in addressing a plethora of nutritional deficiencies, which American people at present experience. Also, raw milk offers benefits to the skin. A single serving of the raw milk comprises 50 mg magnesium, 400mg of calcium, and 500mg potassium. Such minerals are crucial for the crucial cellular functions. It helps in developing bone density. In addition to this, it facilitates improved blood circulation. Moreover, it promotes muscle metabolism and health. Pasteurization is worth mentioning as it destroys different digestive enzymes, which are essential for breaking down and absorbing different nutrients.

Pasteurization milk causes destruction in the enzymes. In addition to this, it helps in removing the vitamins. In addition to this, pasteurization milk is destroying vitamin B6, vitamin B12. This process ends up killing the beneficial bacteria, thereby promoting the pathogens growth. Raw milk comprises healthy bacteria, which is necessary for the gastrointestinal tract. It comprises a plethora of 60 different digestive enzymes. Such enzymes get destroyed during the process of pasteurization.

Pasteurized milk causes an interference with the metabolism of calcium. Before heating, milk is considered the living food, loaded with enzymes and colloidal minerals, which are crucial for the utilization and absorption of the fats, sugars, minerals, and proteins in the milk. Pasteurized milk plays an integral role in destroying all kinds of bacteria. It provides the suitable option for the purification of milk with bad bacteria. In addition to this, pasteurization is useful for the destruction of vitamins B12, vitamins B6, vitamin C.

Raw milk offers a wide array of health benefits. It helps an integral role in decreasing allergies. In addition to this, it brings an improvement in skin health. It is effective in the alleviation of acne, eczema, psoriasis. In addition to this, it plays an integral role in the prevention of different kinds of nutritional deficiencies.

Moreover, it is known to supply the crucial magnesium, calcium, and potassium necessary for the prerequisite bone-building density, hydration, proper cell functions, detoxifications, blood circulation, metabolism and muscle health. If you are wondering whether you should choose between pasteurized milk and raw milk, you should opt for raw milk without giving it a second thought.

when you have the normal milk which is easily available in Chennai, you may feel the question of difference between it and the a2 milk which is not much available. Hence, we came up with this article, so that you will be able to understand the difference between them. After knowing the difference, we are pretty sure that your option of choice should be raw milk. Don’t panic about it availability. Kabilai farm in Chennai offers the best raw milk. You can buy the fresh cow milk from there which is also unprocessed.

Reach out to Kabilai farm in Chennai for fresh, unprocessed and the raw cow milk.

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