Native Cow Milk – | Kabilai Farm Organic Fresh Cow Milk In Chennai | Native Desi Cow Milk | A2 Cow Milk Thu, 27 Feb 2025 10:48:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Native Cow Milk – | Kabilai Farm 32 32 214675837 Which Milk Is The Healthiest In Chennai? Sun, 16 Feb 2025 00:59:59 +0000

Well, of course, milk is the very first thing to start our daily life at the beginning of the day. And in the Chennai division, most of the dairy companies deliver organic milk and dairy products. Cows like Ongole, Umbalachery, Kanchipuram, Kangeyam, etc are a few native breeds used to produce organic A2 milk. The dairy farmers also take special care of the dairy farms and feed the cows well from time to time.

The dairy farms containing fat cows mostly supply the best choice and quality A2 milk in Chennai. The cow farms in Chennai have nearly 1300 cattle and are very amazing as well as clean, having awesome natural feeding for various breeds of cows and most importantly, it is authentic and pure.

Hence, the rates of milk products made from A2 milk are quite high and it costs approximately 90 to 120 per liter. There are two reasons behind these dairy products’ high rate of costs- one is the genetic capability of Indian breeds of cattle for these dairy products is very low and their possibility to transform feed consumed things into milk products is also very low.

Another reason is that the desi cows produce A2 milk (nutritious, thick, natural, and organic milk) but the cows, especially the western origin ones producing A1 milk are quite harmful to human health and it’s very cheap and easily consumed in the market.

As a result, most dairy companies take extreme advantage of this and mix some chemicals or materials to make A1 milk look thicker (like A2 milk) and sell their products with the name tag of A2 milk at high rates of costs to earn excessive profit. But, consumers should always be careful about these things so that none can fool them. They should have an idea of the difference between A2 and A1 milk.

The Difference Between A1 And A2 Milk

A1 milk is copiously available in the marketplace and is the most commonly used quality milk among users. Dairy farmers obtain this milk from Western-origin cows including Jersey, Holstein, etc, and provide milk in large quantities.

Well, even though A1 milk is always the most consumed product, it has some negative effects on human health and causes problems related to diabetes, allergy, obesity, cognitive disorders, constipation, and many neuro disorders including Autism Spectrum Disorder, etc as A1 milk or its dairy products are less costly.

Moreover, A1 milk is very harmful to kids so you should never feed them this milk as it can cause severe health issues to your children.

On the other hand, dairy farmers produce A2 milk from cows of Indian origins (Desi breeds) like Sahiwal, Gir, etc. A2 milk is way thicker than A1 milk and also obtained in less quantity as compared to A1. A2 milk is safe, nutritious, organic, and healthier. Research revealed it contains several health benefits and is safe for both adults and kids to consume.

The Healthiest Milk And Their Services In Chennai

Kabilai Organic Milk

If you are tired of running to stores or markets for fresh milk every morning then Kabilai Organic Milk is here to serve you the organic, thicker, most fresh, and 100% natural milk along with delivery service so that you don’t have to run to the market for fresh milk every day.

This milk service provides non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) milk, 100 % organic A2 milk filled with the nutrition, calcium, and goodness of nature. You can feed this milk to babies and kids as it’s the safest for both kids and adults. According to maximum households, Kabilai is the best and healthiest milk along with great service in Chennai.

They usually deliver milk before 7 A.M every morning so that you can enjoy a hassle-free glass of organic fresh milk. You can also shop for their milk products including organic buttermilk, curd, fresh organic cow milk, organic cheese, organic butter, organic paneer, organic ghee, and many more from their official shopping website or shopping app.

Annam Milk

Native cow breeds including Kangeyam, Ongole, Kanchipuram, and Umbalachery provide fresh and 100 % natural organic A2 milk which is safe for both toddlers and adults. Dairy farmers build a special stress-free atmosphere for the cows, take care of and feed them well so that they can produce thicker, healthier, and tastier milk.

Their farming practice is natural and delivers eco-friendly energy for the upcoming generation. Well, Annam milk contains A2 beta-casein that helps in regulating the regular operation of the digestive system. They don’t add any kind of preservatives and maintain hygiene procedures.

The cost depends on the milk or milk product’s quality standards. Their fastest delivery milk service in Chennai serves you the highest quality A2 fresh and purest milk and milk products at your doorstep every morning. You can shop for them from their official shopping app.

Madras Milk

Madras Milk is also very popular to provide the best and healthiest milk in Chennai. Their milk is A2 certified and they always deliver 100% unprocessed fresh raw cow milk and buffalo milk with no added preservatives in glass bottles. Their delivery service is also fast and amazing. Dairy farmers take good care of cows and don’t feed them any antibiotics or inject hormones into cows. That’s why we get fresh, tasty and 100 % natural organic desi milk from Madras Milk.

Uzhavarbumi Milk

This is also one of the best and healthiest milk available in Chennai. Their toned milk contains 3% fat, suitable for diabetic and fat-conscious people, and is also safe as well as healthy for everyone. All their milk products (containing pure A2 milk) including curd, standardized milk, full cream milk, and toned milk are fresh and 100 % organic.

They use no preservatives or chemicals so that you can enjoy consuming the fresh and original taste. They take good care of farms and feed the cows well to produce organic raw A2 milk and deliver it to your doorstep.

However, there are also other milk production and service organizations including Uzhavarbumi, Go milk, and Kamdhenu Milk that also delivers fresh, 100 % organic, and the healthiest A2 cow milk at your doorstep and are one of the popular ones in Chennai.        


Well, looks like you have reached the end of the article. We have mentioned above briefly the difference between A2 and A1 milk, the best and healthiest milk, and its services in Chennai. Hope this article was very helpful and made you learn new things. Thank you!

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How do I know if my milk is A1 or A2? Tue, 04 Feb 2025 00:37:42 +0000

To distinguish between A1 and A2 you need to understand the differences that separate these two types of milk if there are any. A1 milk is very commonly used and has a lot of supply as well. Cows of western origin such as Jersey, Holstein, and others can produce A1 milk as it contains more milk content. A2 milk is produced by cows of Indian origin such as Sahiwal or Gir and many more.

Dangers of A1 Milk Consumption in Kids

The chemical composition of both kinds of milk varies from each other a lot even though the source of both contents is obtained from cows. Both kinds of milk vary in the carbohydrate component which is known as lactose.

However, that is not what separates these two kinds of milk as their main deciding factor is their protein component which is Casein. When the protein component casein of A1 milk gets broken down, it releases Histidine. Histidine is responsible for the formation of Histamine that causes allergic reactions.

Morphine is another component that gets released from A1 milk’s break down and this is known to be the habit-forming drug that affects the central nervous system. Consequently, kids who consume this milk tend to develop allergic cough and asthma, allergy on the skin
(allergic dermatitis) and running nose or allergic rhinitis.

As A1 milk contains morphine, consuming this milk also leads to aggravated symptoms of autism and other neuro disorders like cognitive disorders and learning disabilities. The lipid metabolism of the kid will be affected and the immunity will get reduced. This can often lead to obesity as well as diabetes. Morphine also makes one constipated and Kids can develop lactose intolerance because of A1 milk.

Lear more: 5 Reasons to Consume A2 Milk

Silver Lining for Kids who have suffered from the consumption of A1 Milk

However, there is a silver lining for kids who are suffering from the consumption of A1 milk. It has been noticed among kids that once they discontinued the intake of this milk, with minimum medication, the symptoms subsided. But if they continued their milk consumption, the response to the medication became inadequate.

How to Differentiate A1 milk from A2 milk

When it comes to A2 milk, it releases proline that comes from the protein breakdown. Since the primary decision factor is the protein component, chromatography by ion exchange is an effective method to distinguish between A1 and A2 milk. Almost all the milk available in the market are A1 milk and even milk that is being marketed as A2 milk is also a combination of A1 and A2. Don’t trust organic milk because even they can also be A1 milk. You can get A2 milk from buffalo, horse, camel, goat, sheep, donkey, and others.

The points mentioned above clearly indicate that A1 milk consumption is not recommended and one should opt for A2 milk for their kids.

Other than this, there is no difference in taste or smell and you cannot tell which one is A1 and Which is A2 just by looking at it either. DNA isolation and genotype testing might be done to distinguish the two products but to do that you have to send the samples to a lab which costs a lot.

Get Best A2 Milk In Chennai

Is It Possible to Test A1 or A2 milk at home?

No, there is no simple test that you can do at your household to determine whether the milk you’re getting is A1 or A2. Since there are no apparent traits that differentiate the two apart from their protein and an amino acid component. Even with indigenous cows like Ongole, Sahiwal, Rathi, Kankrej, etc, you can get A1 milk because of the large-scale contamination of the genome defilement.


Milk is known to be the superfood that human needs to get essential nutrients along with crucial vitamins and minerals. Ayurveda has also cited milk to be enough for one person to live his entire life. But in recent years, adulteration and mutation in the genetics of the cows by breeding them wrongly, and poorly keeping them have led to the milk being contaminated. Now, many indigenous cows have been found to produce A1 milk so it is safe to say that most of our milk is a mixture of A1 and A2 milk.

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What Cows Are Used For Milk In Chennai? Mon, 03 Feb 2025 01:22:45 +0000

The dairy farms containing fat cows mostly supply the best choice and quality A2 milk in Chennai. The cow farms in Chennai have nearly 1300 cattle and are very amazing as well as clean, having awesome natural feeding for various breeds of cows and most importantly, it is authentic and pure.

However, these days at least 8-10 dairy companies make advertisements on their products with the name tag of A2 milk from various Indian breeds of cattle (Desi) and the dairy companies produce “ghee” from A2 milk.

Well, the rates of milk products made from A2 milk are quite high and it’s beyond the reach of common people’s consumption ability. The cost of their A2 milk is nearly 90-120 per liter. There are two reasons behind this high rate of costs for these dairy products- the first reason is the genetic capability of Indian breeds of cattle for these dairy products is very low and their potential to transform feed consumed things into milk products is also very low. 

The feed needed to produce each liter of milk is more. We call this system Feed Conversion Ratio. Another reason is that the desi cows produce A2 milk and A1 milk is quite harmful to human health and it’s very cheap and easily available in the market. 

As a result, most dairy companies take extreme advantage of this and mix some materials to make A1 milk look thicker (like A2 milk) and sell their products with the name tag of A2 milk at high rates to earn excessive profit. However, there are possibilities in some cases that A1 milk affects human health and causes diseases but that’s not very frequent. 

Hence, consumers should be aware of these things so that they can never get fooled. They should have the idea of A2 and A1 milk.

What Is A1 And A2 Milk?

A1 milk is copiously available in the marketplace and is the most commonly used quality milk among users. Dairy farmers obtain this milk from Western-origin cows including Jersey, Holstein, etc, and provide milk in large quantities. 

On the other hand, dairy farmers produce A2 milk from cows of Indian origins (Desi breeds) like Sahiwal, Gir, etc. A2 milk is way thicker than A1 milk and also obtained in less quantity as compared to A1. 

Well, even if A1 milk is always the most consumed product, it has some negative effects related to human health as it’s less costly. A1 milk contains Histidine (causing allergy), a component of morphine (habit set-up drug). 

Moreover, because of the morphine’s presence consuming A1 milk can cause diabetes, obesity, constipation, and many neuro disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, and cognitive disorders, etc. you should never feed A1 milk to kids as it may pose risks of severe health issues to them and they are not physically strong to fight with those diseases as compared to adults.

On the other hand, A2 milk is healthier and research revealed it contains several health benefits and is safe for both kids and adults to consume.

Cows Used For Milk In Chennai

Well, of course, milk is the very first thing to start our daily life at the beginning of the day. And in the Chennai division, most of the dairy companies deliver organic milk and dairy products. Cows like Ongole, Umbalachery, Kanchipuram, Kangeyam, etc are a few native breeds used to produce organic A2 milk. 

The dairy farmers also take special care of the dairy farms and feed the cows well from time to time. Most of their milk is hygienic, pure, fresh, and nutritious. They even sell products based on quality standards. They don’t mix any antibiotic or hormone to make it safe additionally because their milk is naturally safer and healthier. They also provide delivery service.

Kabilai Milk, Kamdhenu Milk, Uzhavarbumi, Madras Milk, Anna Milk, and Akshayakalpa Organic Milk are some famous and award-winning milk service companies that deliver 100% natural organic milk to our doorsteps. 

The most important and positive thing about cow milk in Chennai is that the milk production process runs in a natural setup (no chemicals, no additional antibiotics added, and unprocessed). They take care of the entire farm with love and care, providing good shelter and quality food for cows.


Well, looks like you have reached the end of the article. As we mentioned above briefly about the concept of A1 and A2 milk and their difference, how A1 milk is harmful to health and how A2 milk is a healthier choice than A1 and dairy farmers take care of the cows to deliver us 100 % natural milk- everything is mentioned above. 

So, from this, we can conclude that cows in Chennai are mainly used to produce healthier and organic milk products without any additional mixing of external materials. Hope this article was very helpful and made you learn new things. Thank you!

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Cow Milk Vs Oat Milk Fri, 31 Jan 2025 06:10:07 +0000

In the latest of time, plant-based milk options are becoming widely popular. Oat milk happens to be the popular choice for people, suffering from intolerances and allergies. It is completely free from gluten, soy, nuts, and lactose. Oat milk is soaring in popularity as it offers immense benefits to heart and bone health.

Cow milk provides supreme quality of protein, which comprises of 9 different essential amino acids. It is loaded with an optimum source of vitamin D, vitamin A, and different nutrients. The calcium, present in the milk is bio-available.

It is available widely. It is known to be less affordable, than other kinds of plant milk. The lactose-free versions are regarded as an optimum choice for people, who fail to digest the lactose. In this article, you can find the difference between cow milk and oat milk:

fresh milk straight from cow in chennai

Differences Between Cow Milk and Oat Milk

The difference between cow milk and oat milk is known to be the nutrient profile. Oat milk offers newer nutrients than cow milk. The majority of the nutrients, offered by this type of milk, are known to be fortified. The manufacturers add them during the manufacturing process.

The Difference in the Nutrients

Dairy milk offers three different essential nutrients in every 8-ounce glass. The nutrients, present in dairy milk are vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium, protein, vitamin B12, phosphorus, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, zinc, niacin, potassium, selenium, iodine.

On the other hand, oat milk comprises five nutrients, which are iron, riboflavin, vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium, to name a few. In addition to the iron, the nutrients present in the oat milk are known to be fortified. Once the cow milk gets fortified with vitamins D and vitamins A, the remaining part of the nutrients is seen to occur in a natural way. Hence, it is considered to be a popular nutrient-rich choice.

In addition to offering a plethora of nutrients, cow milk includes twice the protein as oat milk. Protein should be considered during the selection of beverages and foods. It is useful in developing lean muscle. Thus, you are sure to get satisfied and full.

The Difference in the Protein Amount

Cow milk includes 8gm protein in about 8ounces glass. The same oat milk offers 4gm. However, the protein present in oat milk differs from one brand to the other. Hence, it would be wise to check out the label. Cow milk is recognized to be the complete source of high-quality and complete protein. Hence, each glass comprises a complete combination of essential amino acids.

Cow milk includes a simpler ingredient list, which are vitamin D, vitamin A, milk, to name a few. Oat milk differs from one brand to the other in terms of ingredients and nutrients. The cow milk alternatives fortification is not regulated federally.

Hence, few brands are fortified more whereas few of them are less fortified. Speaking of the ingredients, the oat milk varieties are known to be above 10, which are inclusive of emulsifiers, and stabilizers.

fresh raw cow milk chennai

The Difference in the Carbohydrate Content

Cow milk and oat milk are different in terms of carbohydrate content. The original oat milk varieties include carbohydrates of 24gms in every serving. The cow milk on the other hand boasts 12 gms of cow milk. Few oat milk varieties comprise extra sugar. Cow milk does not have any extra sugar. Lactose happens to be the sugar, present in cow milk, which is completely occurring.

Oat milk has 2.5gm fat and 130 calories. The ingredients, present in the oat milk are gellan gum, sea salt, tricalcium phosphate, oat bran, oats, water, vitamin A, riboflavin, vitamin D. Cow milk happens to be a budget-friendly alternative to oat milk. Hence, you can get the best nutrients at the least cut off from the pocket. Cow milk comes with 2.5gm fat. In addition, it has 12gm of carbohydrates.


Oat milk happens to be a sensible choice for people, having dietary restrictions. As it is composed of water and oats, it is known to be vegan. So, it is devoid of lactose, soy, and nuts. Oat milk is loaded with vitamin B12, riboflavin, and B vitamins. It is necessary for optimum health.

 It offers a plethora of health benefits. The oat milk is useful in elevating the mood. In addition, it is effective in combatting oxidative stress. On the other hand, it helps in promoting healthy skin, nails, and hair.

Oat milk is enriched in beta-glucans which offers a plethora of heart health benefits. Besides this, it is effective in reducing low blood cholesterol levels. Oat milk is loaded with vitamin D and calcium, which offers benefits to the bones. Thus, it helps in reducing osteoporosis risks.

Cow milk happens to be the prerequisite source of calcium protein, and nutrients, which are inclusive of iodine, vitamin B12, to name a few. Moreover, it comprises magnesium, which is essential for muscle function and bone development. It has earned a high reputation for reducing blood pressure on an extensive scale.

Cow milk is useful in calming the nerves down. In addition, it is effective in maintaining the right sleep cycle. Moreover, it helps in improving memory sharpness and power. Thus, it helps in improving the growing child’s brain development.

Owing to the healthy fat content and immense nutritive value, cow milk promotes weight loss. It is useful in preventing sudden hunger pangs. Apart from this, it is useful in improving body metabolism. Thus, it helps in shedding the extra kilos.

Cow milk is enriched with the necessary nutrients. Hence, it is regarded as a healing food. It comes with potassium, phosphorous, calcium, and rich fats, which are beneficial in the maintenance and regulation of elevated blood pressure. Thus, it helps to reduce bad cholesterol growth. Thus, it is effective in keeping the heart-healthy.

Cow milk provides the optimum choice to stock and saves an ample amount of fridge space. Few types of this milk are prepared with lesser effects on the environment. Milk is also believed to be a better alternative if there are ethical concerns with farming. If you want to adopt the vegan or vegetarian diet, plant-based milk will add vitamin B12.

In this article, you should have seen the differences between cow milk and the oat milk. So, a2 milk offers good health benefits. You should reach out to kabilai farms for best a2 and farm fresh milk which comes straight from cow in Chennai.

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Drinking Cow Milk Keeps Your Child Allergy-Free Thu, 30 Jan 2025 06:52:02 +0000

Allergies are regarded as a primary of diseases and illnesses among kids. A few of the common food items, leading to allergies in children are groundnuts, meat, eggs, and similar kinds of substances within the environment.

A few of the primary symptoms of the allergic reactions, which might lead to discomfort in the kids are inclusive hives, skin rashes, diarrhea, stuffy noses, headaches, vomiting, stomach pain, shortness of breath, and different types of digestive issues. Such symptoms are seen to differ from one kid to the other.

At times, certain food items may result in a life-threatening situation, resulting in death. To prevent such kinds of conditions, the doctors recommend the parents avoid feeding certain food items, which might trigger allergies in the children.

 The allergy to cow milk impacts a plethora of babies across the globe. It would help if you remember that it is not similar to lactose intolerance. There are some adults who showcase allergic symptoms to cow milk. Few of the milk allergy symptoms differ. They are known to range from mild reactions to severe ones. Few people are known to experience the symptoms in no time.

fresh a2 milk chennai

Milk Allergy in Children

Milk allergy refers to the abnormal response of the body to the proteins, which are present in cow milk. Milk allergy is known to be common among young kids and infants. Once they become old, the kids outgrow the milk allergy. Milk products and milk are found in a wide assortment of foods. The most prominent milk forms are cheese, cream, ice cream, butter, and yogurts.

You should avoid food items, which comprise butter fat, artificial butter flavor, caseinates, casein, cream, cheese, curds, cottage cheese, ghee, pudding, custard, hydrolysates, half and half, lactose, lactoglobulin, pudding, nougat, yogurt, whey, sour cream solids, sour cream, remnant casein, to name a few.

Causes of Allergy from Cow Milk

Milk is primarily caused owing to cow milk allergy. In allergies, the immune system will react towards the trigger modules. The immune system generates the antibodies, which are known to detect the allergen, leading to inflammatory reactions and chemical release.

They lead to specific allergic symptoms. Speaking of milk, the trigger molecules are regarded as dual milk proteins, referred to as casein and whey. The children showcase allergic reactions to either of the proteins.

Few Milk Reactions are Not Caused Owing to Allergies

There are few people, which possess physical reactions, which are not caused, owing to allergic reactions. In case you do not have any lactase enzyme, which will break the milk sugar lactose, there are risks that you might risk certain symptoms, like the allergy which is caused owing to gas, stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, to name a few. It is referred to as lactose intolerance.

It differs from milk allergy, as it does not include the immune system reactions to the trigger module. In addition, there are certain people which experience excessive mucus in the throat with the consumption of dairy products. However, it is not the result of the allergy.

a2 farm fresh milk chennai

Severe allergic reactions

After the tree nuts and peanuts, cow milk is regarded as common food, which might lead to severe allergic reactions. Few of the severe allergic reactions might prove to the life-threatening. A few of the symptoms, which are caused by severe allergic reactions are inclusive of persistent dizziness, persistent cough, difficulty in talking, throat tightness, tongue swelling noisy breathing, floppiness, and paleness in young children.

Diagnosing the allergy, caused by cow milk

If the child is showcasing any kind of allergic symptoms, you should reach out to the family doctor. He will ask specific questions about the reactions. Moreover, you should make sure to keep a record of the milk allergy symptoms.

If you find that the milk allergy symptoms appear after the consumption of milk faster, it is possible to diagnose the allergy easily. However, if the symptoms appear after a prolonged period, it is challenging to diagnose the issue.

The allergists will test the allergies, through a wide assortment of methodologies, which depend on the kind of potential allergy. If you want to test the allergy, the allergist will perform the blood test and skin prick test. You might be asked to avoid the milk products, which comprise of milk.

Recording the milk allergy symptoms

It would be wise to keep a record of the symptoms of the cow milk allergy. In addition, you should make sure to include information about the occurrence of the symptoms. You need to check whether the symptoms are occurring inside or outside the home.

 In addition, you should check out whether the symptoms are occurring for some time or for a prolonged period. Moreover, you need to take a look at whether the symptoms occur during the day, at night time, or once you wake up. Also, you have to find whether the symptoms are common after intaking specific medicines.

Treatment for the milk allergy for cow

In case the kid is diagnosed with any sort of milk allergy, the treatment is inclusive of total milk avoidance. The children which show allergic symptoms to the cow milk are also known to be allergic to the milk of a goat.

Hence, it is wise to remove dairy products from the young children’s diet. Moreover, they should ensure to take the milk products under strict medical supervision only. The doctor should recommend the replacement protein and calcium sources, which are considered to be the crucial nutrients for the kids. It is essential to supervise the babies’ replacement formulas carefully.

Energy treatment for the milk allergy reactions

In case your little one is showcasing severe allergic reactions, you should reach out to the adrenaline autoinjector, like Epipen. Moreover, you should lay the person flat and should not let them walk or stand. The next step involves injecting adrenaline, using the auto-injector. Also, you should reach out to triple zero and contact the ambulance within the medical emergency.

So, In this article you should have seen the ways how the a2 milk keeps away the allergies of your kid. The best way to keep it away is with a best a2 milk. For the best a2 milk, reach out to Kabilai farms which gives the farm fresh organic cow milk in Chennai.

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How to Milk a Cow by Machine (Beginner’s Guide) Wed, 29 Jan 2025 07:07:54 +0000

In the recent times, a2 milk should have grabbed your attention. What is it and the benefits of it are given by us in other articles. But the best raw cow milk that you can opt for if you are in Chennai is the kabilai farm which supplies best raw cow milk directly from farm to customers. The product that they offer is completely unadulterated.

If you are looking for an optimum choice to milk the cow, you can opt for the milking machine. It needs lesser labor for milking the cow. However, extra labor is involved, thereby ensuring that the machine is well-maintained and cleaned after use.

Large dairies make use of the complicated and huge machines, which are equipped with extensive piping. The milking parlors differ in shapes and sizes, which range from 8-40 sanctions. However, they rely on the dairy herd size. However, as the herd is of larger size, the milking parlor is of larger size.

If the farms and smaller dairies come with 1-2 milking cows, it utilizes individual milking machines, primarily as the size includes 5-10 cows. Such machines come with tanks, which are attached through 4 suckers for attaching to the teats.

Such kind of machine serves as a vacuum cleaner, as it creates a vacuum upon the teats, which are collecting the milk actively. A wide assortment of people prefers to milk the cows as it is easier and needs lesser labor. However, you need to execute other duties, such as cleaning the machine after and before it.

farmery cow milk chennai

In this article, we will tell you about the steps, which are involved in milking the cow by the machines:

Checking the Machine Before Using IT

It is recommended to clean and maintain the machine regularly in good order for a prolonged period. You should make sure to clean the machine regularly, as the raw milk will dry and stick to different parts after which dirt and different foreign objects are invited to various machine parts. You should make sure to clean the machine after using it every day.

 In addition, you need to maintain the machine lesser or once every month. You should ensure that certain parts are greased and well oiled. You need to keep in mind that regular suction cups, tanks, and hoses’ regular disinfection is crucial. You should ensure that the cups are placed and covered in a bag, which cannot be dirty or contaminated during storage.

Attachment to the cups and tubes to the machines

In the next step, you need to ensure that the tubes get connected properly. If anything is not connected properly, it will lead to the vacuum seal. Also, you should ensure that the lid’s O-ring is placed properly, before its attachment to the lid.

Furthermore, you should make sure to place the lid properly, thereby creating an improved seal. It would be wise to adhere to the regular milking schedule. In addition, you should ensure to keep a hay flake while milking the cow.

Cleaning the udder thoroughly

You should make sure to use paper towels and clean rags for cleaning the udder thoroughly. Also, you need to clean the teats and the udder’s lower parts to remove the debris and dirt. It is necessary to do it firmly and gently. Besides this, you should squeeze every teat downwards to start milking the cow. Also, you need to dislodge the plugs, which are accumulated at the teat’s end.

farm fresh cow milk chennai

Using Iodine solution to dip the teats

You need to wait for some time so that the solution gets dried. After this, the additional iodine is dabbed off from the teat’s end through the paper towel and clean rag. You should refrain from touching the teats after this.

Hooking the vacuum line of the machine to the milker's vacuum part

Once you are having the DIY milker, which is operating from the electrical outlet, you require plugging the pump after which it should be turned on. On the other hand, if you run the pump from the motor, the same procedure should be applied.

Now, you require attaching the line to the port upon the milker, after which it is turned upon the motor to the pump. There are few milking machines that require little time to create negative pressure, which is essential for starting the milking process.

Now, you should start the pulsator to move to the inflations. Apart from this, you need to make sure that the pressure reaches about 0.04 kPa, before keeping the cups on. Furthermore, you should ensure that the connections are attached and secure before turning the same.

Moving the bucket-milker or bucket unit

It is necessary to place the bucket especially next to the cow, upon the ground. Thus, you will have sufficient space to seek access to the cow easily.

Grabbing the claw

The claw refers to a holding unit, which is responsible for milk collection from different four teats through teat cups and suction cups after which it is moved into the sealer container or bucket. After placing the claw below the udder, you should ensure that the cup is put properly. You should ensure that it is not twisted during the milking process.

Opening the vacuum onto the claw

You should make sure that it is ticking once in every 1/2 -3 quarters of one second. You should make sure not to listen to it for a prolonged period, as you require maintaining the prerequisite pressure so that you will be capable of adding teat cups to your cows. Also, you should not allow them to fall off.

Addition of the teat cups to the teats at once

You need to begin the milking process from the back after which you should do it from the right towards the front direction. Besides this, you should keep them smoothly and faster, so that the cups do not lose suction. Moreover, the cups should be guided upon the teat through the hand. It will be useful in making things safer and faster. 

If you find that the milk is flowing properly, you should sit back and relax properly. Also, you should allow the machine to complete the remaining work. If you want to stop milking the cow, you should kink the hose up to the cups and claws. You should ensure that the cups are not falling off in any time.

a2 farm fresh organic milk chennai

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Get the bit of 9 health benefits of vitamin B12 to your body and its sources to munch on! Mon, 27 Jan 2025 13:40:37 +0000

Aren’t we living in a hectic world with no proper nutritious diet or sleep? If you nod your head, then it’s time to awake and modify your lifestyle! We must teach the next-gen sprouts to eat right and nutritious. If we’re not doing that, we can not expect in their routine too! So, it’s time to switch to a healthy lifestyle where we get our healthy body and soul at the right place!

Cobalamin has amazing health benefits! Confused? Vitamin B12 is addressed as cobalamin, and it is one of the essential nutrients for a healthy body and mind. Deficiency of B12 can cause serious neurological syndromes, depression, and other health risks. In this blog post, let’s explore the bits and pieces of the health benefits of Vitamin B12 to your body!

fresh cow milk suppliers in chennai

Health Benefits of Vitamin B12 to your body from Head to Toe!

Ailment and prevention of depression

Cobalamin has a significant role in serotonin production that prevents clinical depression. Old-age people and adults with vitamin B12 deficiency are more likely to be depressed than people with appropriate nutrition levels. These nutrients can also treat and prevent mood disorders in people.


Studies reveal that B12 deficiency can cause dementia and memory problems in human beings. This is considered the essential nutrient for neurons in the brain and could prevent loss of neurons which causes dementia and other risks. Lower B12 intake can account for memory loss in older adults and could be affecting all ages when accumulated with improper nutrition.


Vitamin B12 deficiency accounts for damage in the nervous system that is connected to the optic nerve and can affect the eyesight. Regular supplementing of B12 can reduce the homocysteine in the bloodstream, reducing the risk of macular degeneration, which causes blindness in older adults.

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Oral health

Improper Cobalamin levels in the body can cause tongue inflammation which may cause pain while eating and speaking. The inflammation may cause swell, smoothness, stretched taste buds, and then finally, the taste buds may disappear on longer.


B12 deficiency can cause high levels of homocysteine that leads to increased risks of heart diseases. Nutritionists reveal that combined B12, B6, and folic acid supplement is efficient in reducing the heart risks. These supplements can build the blood and artery walls that cause major heart diseases.


Cobalamin plays a major role in producing RBCs in blood cells. The low levels of B12 in the diet cause underdeveloped red blood cells in the bloodstream and causes inflammation over the period. The larger the RBC size, the less mobile it becomes and does not move into bone marrows. This causes megaloblastic anemia in humans and causes a lack of transportation of oxygen, accounting for fatigueness.


We all have been educated to drink a lot of water and eat a fiber-rich diet to ensure proper gut health. But, researchers confess that vitamin B12 deficiency can also cause gut issues such as vomiting, diarrhea, appetite loss. In some cases, B12 deficiency can be the direct cause of gut issues, and in others, it can be the backend creator of problems. Even though the exact reason for the stomach-related issues is not figured out, B12 contributes to intrinsic factors that are absorbed by the small intestine for bowel movements.

Pregnancy care

Lack of vitamin B12 can cause neural tube birth defects and lower birth weight in some pregnant moms. In worst cases, the deficiency of cobalamin can cause miscarriages and birth defects in newborns. The lower levels of B12 can cause neural diseases and birth defects in the babies from birth.

On the contrary, pregnant moms with appropriate and excessive levels of B12 have babies who don’t cry excessively and better neural system.

Vital activities

Unaddressed nerve damage can cause tingling and numbness, which causes altered ability to move and postures. Adequate levels of cobalamin can support bone health which improves posture and ability to motor skills. The more you are active; it’s more likely to prevent health issues.

Wrapping with sources of B12

Vitamin B12 is rich in ham, lamb, eggs, dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, fish, pork, beef, fortified cereals, clams, and much more. A nutritious diet with appropriate levels of Vitamin B12 can reduce the above-mentioned risks and bring out a healthy you!

Finally, we are at the end. In this article, you will find the benefits of consuming a2 milk. But consuming the best milk should give the best results. So, where to get the best milk? Kabilai farm is the solution to this question. they offer the best fresh cow milk in Chennai. The milk that they offer are from grass fed cows which are in its purest form without any adulteration. Do check them out for the best raw cow milk.

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Introducing fresh Cows’ Milk to Toddlers Thu, 23 Jan 2025 14:11:58 +0000

Babies are not capable of digesting cow milk as formula or breast milk. The cow milk comprises minerals and proteins of a higher concentration, which might damage the baby’s immature kidneys. The cows’ milk does not comprise of vitamin C, iron, and different nutrients for the infants, in the prerequisite amount. It might lead to anemia as the protein present in the milk causes an irritation to the digestive system lining. It results in blood present in the stools.

Also, cow milk does not comprise the healthiest fat for growing babies. From 12 months of age, you can start giving full cream pasteurized milk to the toddler. Few parents find it challenging to switch from formula to fresh milk. Fresh milk boasts of different taste, texture and temperature to the formula.

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Reasons to introduce cow milk to the toddler

Milk is considered to be the enriched calcium source, which helps in developing stronger teeth and bones. It plays an integral role in the regulation of blood clotting, thereby controlling the muscles. In addition to this, it is regarded as one of the primary vitamin D sources.

It is effective in the absorption of calcium to the body, which facilitates the growth of bones. In addition to this, milk offers the proteins to facilitate growth. The presence of carbohydrates and proteins offer the prerequisite energy to the child. Since the toddler gets sufficient calcium, it helps in reducing the risks of colon cancer, stroke, high bp, and hip fracture in the later phases of life.

How much milk does the toddler need?

You can offer 8-12 ounces of milk to a one-year-old after introducing it to the baby generally. You can consider offering dairy in the form of cheese and yoghurt. There are few children who love this taste. They prefer it over the regularized meals. It is a prerequisite to put a restriction to the intake, as it might limit the appetite for different solids.

 It is known to counterproductive, as the kids do not possess the balanced diet. In addition to this, you should make sure to provide milk as the beverage between different meals. You should never treat it as the substitute for different meals. It will help if you remember that your toddler is not going to chug the milk glass down as the bottle feeds. Intaking cow milk is regarded as the optional beverage and nutritional supplement. You can receive the same nutrients from a plethora of different foods.

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Tips you should follow before giving cow milk to the baby

There are different tips, which you should take into account before giving cow milk to toddlers. You should make sure to warm the milk before giving it to the toddlers. The majority of the time, the toddlers refuses to intake the milk, as they are not familiar to cold milk. The slight variation in the temperature might do the trick.

As the kids do not like the taste, you can give it to your little one in the form of the milkshake. You can use it after mixing it with different food items, like porridge, cereal. It plays an integral role in offering an interesting look to the milk with the addition of natural colors.

As your child is drinking milk, it will be useful in creating positive associations with different verbals and different rewards. In addition to this, you can consider giving the milk with a straw in the colorful sippy cup. As you offer the milk in the special cup, the toddler will love drinking it. In addition to this, you can consider sweetening the milk. It is good to be away from the practice as the kids get habituated to the specific taste. You can go for natural sweetening with the addition of dry fruits and fruits to the milk.

Types of cow milk for the babies

Until your baby attains two years’ age, you should ensure that your kid is receiving whole milk. It is because the fat present in it is a prerequisite for growth. Next to this, you can make a transition to regular or low-fat milk.

According to the kids’ weight, you can make a better choice. While milk is considered a popular drink globally, it is not the best choice for infants. Once your little one has gained the age of one year, you can consider transit it towards different milk and milk-based products.

According to NHMRC, the toddler should intake about 11/2 dairy serves daily. It is inclusive of cheese, yoghurt, milk and different alternatives. Dairy foods are essential for the creation of stronger teeth and bones. In addition to this, it is effective in the regulation of blood coagulation. Furthermore, it facilitates muscle control. In addition to this, dairy foods offer protein for the carbohydrate and growth, which helps accomplish the toddler’s energy needs.

You can consider introducing the feeding cup for about six months. You can use the feeding back in place of the bottle for the expressed breast milk and feeding infant formula. For the baby’s primary 12 months of life, the infant formula or breastmilk is the primary nutritional source.

There are few toddlers who are known to take the cow milk. However, others are hesitant to execute the switch, as it boasts a different taste, texture, and temperature than breast milk. As is the case for the toddler, you should make sure to combine cow milk with breast milk. After this, you should make sure to shirt the ratio slowly until she drinks about 100 per cent milk.

There are wide arrays of benefits, which are associated with the consumption of cow milk. It is considered the primary source of calcium, protein, and nutrients, such as iodine and vitamin B12. In addition to this, it comprises magnesium, which is essential for muscle functions and bone development.

You should have heard about a2 milk which has been something new to the healthy living habits of people. But are you confused if you can give it to toddlers? Nothing to panic. We came to know the need of the explanation of this topic and hence wrote this article. Here, you will be able to understand the need of a2 milk to toddlers and the benefits that it gives to them. but where do you get the fresh cow milk in Chennai? Which brand can you trust? These would be some of the random questions that should be popping in to your mind.

Kabilai farm offers the fresh, raw cow milk in the purest form without any additives. They offer the best standard a2 milk which is unadulterated in Chennai. Do reach out to kabilai farms for a healthy lifestyle.

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Is Raw Milk Safe To Drink The Facts About Raw Milk Wed, 22 Jan 2025 14:19:52 +0000

Milk is regarded as the nutritious food, which offers minerals, vitamins, protein, and fatty acids. With the rising popularity of local, natural, farm-sourced foods, raw milk is believed to be a healthier choice. Raw milk offers a wide array of nutritional and health benefits. Raw milk refers to milk that is not homogenized or pasteurized. It comes from cows, buffaloes, sheep, goats, and camels. You can avail of this to make a plethora of products, such as yoghurt, cheese, ice cream. If you want to know whether it is safe to drink raw milk, you should refer to this article:

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Useful in controlling blood pressure

Raw milk comprises proteins in the adequate amount, which are composed of casein. It plays an integral role in maintaining healthier blood pressure. In addition to this, it enhances the minerals absorption. Intaking raw milk offers calcium and vitamin D in sufficient amount. It is effective in decreasing higher blood pressure.

Loaded with natural vitamins

Raw milk comprises fat and soluble minerals, such as vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin A. In addition to this, it is loaded with different types of water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins B complex, vitamin C. Speaking commercially, pasteurized milk gets fortified with a variety of vitamins.

Good for gut bacteria

Raw milk is loaded with healthier bacteria. Hence, it is regarded as an excellent probiotic drink, which offers benefits to the digestive system. In addition to this, it boasts of different enzymes, which offers assistance to the improvement of nutrients digestions from different foods.

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Bone health and eye health

Calcium is essential for maintaining healthier bone for people of different ages. According to researches, milk is considered to be the prerequisite resource of calcium. Vitamin A is present in different forms of cow milk. It offers the prerequisite support to eye health. In addition to this, it decreases macular degeneration, which might affect people’s eyesight with ageing.

Preventing the increase in weight

According to different studies, intaking raw milk results in lower obesity risks. Consumption of higher milk fat is related to childhood obesity risks. Intaking high-fat dairy products are related to lower obesity risks and lesser weight gain. Raw milk comprises different kinds of components, which contribute to weight loss, thereby preventing gain in weight.

The presence of high protein content is going to make you feel for a prolonged period. It is useful in the prevention of overeating. In addition to this, conjugated linoleic or CLA acid within the raw milk offers the capabilities to facilitate loss of weight, with the promotion of breakdown of fat. It is known to inhibit the production of fat.

Facts about raw milk

While a vast array of families prefer to avoid the processed foods, raw milk is believed to be a popular alternative to the pasteurized milk. Though it is loaded with a plethora of nutritional benefits, raw milk is believed to be a healthier option.

In this aspect, there are a variety of risk factors, which should be taken into consideration. If you want to wonder about the kind of milk the family needs to drink, it is a prerequisite to taking the potential benefits of drinking raw milk into consideration.

Raw milk offers many benefits, as it is considered an integral part of the diet. It is filled with a lot of good gut-friendly bacteria, which promotes a healthier digestive process. Raw milk offers assistance with different conditions, like eczema, asthma, and different kinds of allergic reactions.

Raw milk is a suitable choice for everyone

Though the processed milk is a good option for some, other people cannot digest it. There are wide assortments of people who cannot digest the processed milk due to the presence of lactose. Raw milk refers to the nutritious beverage, which offers a plethora of benefits. It is recognized to be the versatile ingredient, which can be added to the diet without any challenges.

In addition to the intaking of raw milk, you can incorporate these ideas into the daily routine. The raw milk boasts of the high-protein and excellent base, which are beneficial for the preparation of healthier smoothies. You can opt for raw milk with oats, as it offers a more nutritious and tasty option to water as you try to prepare the hot cereal and morning oatmeal.

The addition of Raw Butter is believed to be a suitable choice to add the essential healthy fats into the daily diet. Raw milk is believed to be the versatile ingredient added to the diet in different ways. You can consider incorporating it in the coffee, smoothies, and morning oatmeal.

Consumption of milk is interlinked with healthy bones. It is due to the powerful combination of phosphorus, calcium, protein, potassium, and vitamin K2. Such nutrients play an integral role in maintaining healthy and stronger bones.

Ninety-nine per cent of the calcium of the body gets stored in the teeth and bones. Milk is considered to be the prerequisite source of different nutrients, which help in the absorption of calcium. The addition of dairy products and milk to the diet is useful in the prevention of bone diseases, such as osteoporosis. Besides this, it helps in decreasing the risks of fractures.

Raw milk acts as an outstanding moisturizer and skin toner. You can use it during the winters in order to make the skin supple and soft. As you use it on the face regularly, your skin will glow like anything. Hence, you can consider adding raw milk to the skincare routine. Raw milk comprises specific bacteria, which leads to different health hazards.

Raw milk plays an integral role in decreasing the skin darkening, lightening the tans, which are caused by the process of pigmentation. Raw milk boasts of higher lactic acid content, which is known for the specific skin lightening properties. Consumption of raw milk helps in improving overall health. You are sure to reap a lot of health benefits as you opt for raw milk.

In this opinion-based world, you will find different opinions on particular product or service. Only when you try by yourself, you will be able to identify and figure out the fact behind any opinion. Similarly, there are many thoughts that is being given on raw a2 milk. They may make you confused to make a decision.

Hence, we wrote this article to bring about some facts on a2 milk. Though these are our opinions and research, we would highly recommend you to experience the raw a2 milk. But from where would be your next question. to answer it, we have kabilai farm, which offers fresh raw milk and the desi cow milk in Chennai. You can reach out there so that you have a best experience.

Once, you try them, do let us know in the comment box, if our opinions are true. Stay tuned to get rid off all other confusions about raw a2 milk.

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Raw Milk Versus Pasteurized Milk, Which One Should You Pick Tue, 21 Jan 2025 14:36:54 +0000

Dairy milk is considered to be an integral part of the daily diet. Giving a glass of milk to the children is considered to be the age-old custom. Milk plays a crucial role in promoting the overall development of children. As you opt for milk regularly, it assures stronger teeth and healthier bones. Milk is regarded as one of the enriched calcium sources.

As your body comprises calcium in adequate levels, it helps eliminate bone-related diseases, such as bone injuries, osteoporosis, to name a few. The combination of calcium and vitamin D offers benefits to the teeth and bones.

In addition to this, it offers protection against diabetes, cancer, and hypertension. In addition to this, regular consumption of milk is interlinked with muscle strength, muscle repair, and muscle growth. Also, it is loaded with potassium and choline. As you read this article, you can understand the difference between pasteurized milk and raw milk:

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Structure Difference: Raw Milk Vs Pasteurized Milk

Raw milk is known to be non-homogenized, unpasteurized and fresh milk which is derived from grass-fed and healthy cows. This kind of milk comes from grass-fed and healthy cows. According to researches, pasteurization leads to the destruction of some of the crucial milk qualities, like enzymes, good bacteria, vitamins, to name a few.

You can find ultra-pasteurized milk in the grocery store. As it gets heated to about 280 degrees F for some time, it will end up in killing the nutrients, minerals, and vitamins as needed by the body. Once the milk is homogenized, the molecules are squeezed for the removal of the cream layer. As raw milk is known to be non-homogenized, a cream layer is present, which is known to rise to the top.

Taste Differences

Pasteurization brings a change in taste and quality. Raw milk boasts of creamy, fresh and supreme flavor. Once your little one starts drinking the raw milk, they might say no to pasteurized milk. Raw milk is fresh. It includes a better taste.

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Differences in the benefits

At present, many people report being lactose intolerant and dairy allergies. It is because of pasteurization since the heat destroys most of the nutrients. Due to this, milk is considered to be a beneficial choice. Calcium, iron, vitamins are reduced during the process of pasteurization. The digestive enzymes, on the other hand, are destroyed completely here. Real milk is regarded as the real superfood, which offers 100 per cent calcium, iron, vitamin, and different crucial nutrients essential for the body. Raw milk is enriched with natural vitamins.

Owing to this, it becomes easy to digest the raw milk. It offers assistance in removing skin conditions and allergies. Besides this, it offers a boost to the immune system. According to the studies, drinking raw milk offers better resistance to improved growth. Besides this, it plays an integral role in the alleviation of diseases. Other than this, it helps in promoting overall health.

Raw milk, available from the clean diaries, are known to be a healthier choice than the pasteurized milk. Also, organic raw milk is the complete food enriched with vitamins, good fat, protein, and minerals. Besides this, raw milk comprises the minerals’ selection, which ranges from phosphorus and calcium to different trace elements. After re-supplying, the pasteurization might destroy them. On the other hand, raw milk is loaded with calcium, which is beneficial for the bones and teeth. Besides this, it is enriched with enzymes, which come with a wide assortment of health benefits. Raw milk comprises beneficial bacteria, which offers assistance during digestion. In addition to this, it offers protection against different disease-carrying organisms.

The benefits of raw milk are known to be numerous. It offers assistance in addressing a plethora of nutritional deficiencies, which American people at present experience. Also, raw milk offers benefits to the skin. A single serving of the raw milk comprises 50 mg magnesium, 400mg of calcium, and 500mg potassium. Such minerals are crucial for the crucial cellular functions. It helps in developing bone density. In addition to this, it facilitates improved blood circulation. Moreover, it promotes muscle metabolism and health. Pasteurization is worth mentioning as it destroys different digestive enzymes, which are essential for breaking down and absorbing different nutrients.

Pasteurization milk causes destruction in the enzymes. In addition to this, it helps in removing the vitamins. In addition to this, pasteurization milk is destroying vitamin B6, vitamin B12. This process ends up killing the beneficial bacteria, thereby promoting the pathogens growth. Raw milk comprises healthy bacteria, which is necessary for the gastrointestinal tract. It comprises a plethora of 60 different digestive enzymes. Such enzymes get destroyed during the process of pasteurization.

Pasteurized milk causes an interference with the metabolism of calcium. Before heating, milk is considered the living food, loaded with enzymes and colloidal minerals, which are crucial for the utilization and absorption of the fats, sugars, minerals, and proteins in the milk. Pasteurized milk plays an integral role in destroying all kinds of bacteria. It provides the suitable option for the purification of milk with bad bacteria. In addition to this, pasteurization is useful for the destruction of vitamins B12, vitamins B6, vitamin C.

Raw milk offers a wide array of health benefits. It helps an integral role in decreasing allergies. In addition to this, it brings an improvement in skin health. It is effective in the alleviation of acne, eczema, psoriasis. In addition to this, it plays an integral role in the prevention of different kinds of nutritional deficiencies.

Moreover, it is known to supply the crucial magnesium, calcium, and potassium necessary for the prerequisite bone-building density, hydration, proper cell functions, detoxifications, blood circulation, metabolism and muscle health. If you are wondering whether you should choose between pasteurized milk and raw milk, you should opt for raw milk without giving it a second thought.

when you have the normal milk which is easily available in Chennai, you may feel the question of difference between it and the a2 milk which is not much available. Hence, we came up with this article, so that you will be able to understand the difference between them. After knowing the difference, we are pretty sure that your option of choice should be raw milk. Don’t panic about it availability. Kabilai farm in Chennai offers the best raw milk. You can buy the fresh cow milk from there which is also unprocessed.

Reach out to Kabilai farm in Chennai for fresh, unprocessed and the raw cow milk.

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