
The Arignar Anna Zoological Park is located in Vandalur, a suburb in the southwest of Chennai. It is home to more than one hundred different species of wild animals, including elephants, tigers, and giraffes. The zoo is also a wildlife sanctuary, and a center for rehabilitating rescued animals. The animals are kept in natural habitats to protect them from the effects of pollution and natural disasters.

Located near the central railway station, the Arignar Anna Zoo is a modern zoological park. The original zoo was built in 1855 and was the largest southwestern zoological park in South East Asia. The zoo is spread across more than 1260 acres, and has many famous animal breeding programs. There are glimpses of more than 138 different species at the sanctuaries and in the aviaries. A fantastic read

Originally, the zoological park was just a small area, but in recent years it has expanded significantly to become an important tourist destination in the city. It has evolved into a popular attraction for families and couples traveling to the Chennai area. The aviaries have a wide variety of animals, including a black-necked phallus, a spotted hyena, and a black-headed vulture.

The Arignar Anna Zoo features two-thirds of the world’s species of crocodiles. The zoo has six major species of crocodiles – the Indo-Pacific crocodile, the swamp crocodile, and the Nile tiger in Africa. There are also many varieties of fish, butterflies, and birdlife, among others.

The zoo is not just a place to see animals. There are many places to visit in and around Chennai. The earliest zoo was built in 1855 and today houses more than 2,000 different species of plants. In addition to reptiles, the park also houses several types of amphibians, birds, and insects. At this zoo, you’ll be able to see a wide variety of reptiles and birds.

If you’re looking for an exotic zoo, you can’t go wrong with this park. Its 1,500-plus wild species, including 46 endangered species, live in 160 fenced enclosures. Visitors can feed and interact with the reptiles at the park. The park also features rides for kids and adults alike, including a live show. Whether you’re looking to spend a day or an entire day with animals, the Arignar Anna ZoologicalPark is sure to entertain you.

The Arignar Anna Zoological Park is one of the many attractions in the city. Its beautiful landscape and unique culture make it a popular tourist destination. If you have a family, Arignar Anna Zoological Park is a great place to visit with children. It’s also an excellent place for families to spend the day with friends and enjoy the animals. You won’t be disappointed! It’s the perfect day out for the whole family! Check this out